this is in my room!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok dokie!! So it seems so far that everyday I will post something random (like chocolate or water in religion) and something about me! I will talk about my solo dance I have to make. I know, I know, how exciting right? Well, I am going to show you costumes and the song I am doing! Yay!!!
Ok so I am dancing to the song "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by the Andrews Sisters. What? You say you don't know that song? Well...then I will show you!
There it is! I am not tapping or anything...but yeah that is it! So I am dressing like a female bugle boy ^_^
Here are costume ideas!

The beauty of rain

I absolutely love rain. Most people say rain is kind of a catch 22. Either there is to much or to little. I believe rain is a good thing no matter what. Rain is water, water is a symbolic form of purity and renewal. Remember when you were little? When it would rain you would go dance in it and your mom would yell at you to come back inside. Then after a good storm there would be mud to play with? Well, I no longer play in the mud and goof around in the rain. I do, however, still dance. Walking in the rain, singing in the rain, dancing in the rain...all of it is quite relaxing. Another beautiful thing about rain is that it hides any emotion you wish to lock up. Whatever emotion you feel you can let out. If you are angry then scream, the thunder will cover it. If you are sad then cry, the rain will hide your tears. If you are happy then dance, the rain will keep you moving. If you don't like to go outside, then why no just curl up inside? Use rainstorms to get warm and bond with those under your roof.

Water is an overall good thing in our society. Subconsciously, we know that water is renewal and pure. That is why religion even has water in it.

Buddhists use water when someone dies. They say "As the rain fills the river and overflow the ocean, so likewise may what is given here reach the departed" as they pour water into a bowl at the feet of the departed. They pour until the water overflows the bowl.

Christianity is filled with water. The main focus, however, is Baptism. They believe in "living water" and when you are blessed with it, Baptism, the original sin you are born with goes away.
Hinduism has lots of water as well. They believe in seven sacred rivers, Ganges, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. Even though Hindus have a hard time...agreeing, they all agree on trying to live a life without pollution and one filled with purity. 

Islam is like Christianity for they bless the body in water within a fountain. Ghusl is preformed first by washing the entire body (this is also preformed after intercourse and after death). Then comes Wudu, which involves five daily prayers and washing of body individually. 

Judaism also has "living water" and wash their body individually like the Islamic do. However, this is like Baptism and can be either on the head, hands, feet, or complete immersion. The Red Sea is very important to them. They have a purity ritual called mikveh which is after handling the dead or after menstruation.

Shinto has many rituals with washing and they hold the waterfall as very scared. They believe in kami, which are deities that inhabit everything natural. If you stand under a waterfall it is said to completely purify you.

Zoroastrianism uses water as purifying and a fundamental element that gives us life. They strive to keep water from being polluted for it holds all of our futures, so to say. Zoroastrians are not allowed to urinate, spit, or wash one's hands in rivers. Also, in a wedding, nahn is preformed with padyab-kusti. This is when the married couple eats a pomegranate leaf and then drinks nirang (cow urine) for spiritual cleansing. They also try to keep the other elements pure as well, so the dead must be left for the birds of prey to feed on.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Water is a necessity of life and a symbol of purity and renewal. Let the rain fall!!! <3

Monday, March 7, 2011

The thing about chocolate...

Chocolate has to be the most random piece of edible rainbow goodness that has ever been invented. I mean, I am really sorry if you can't eat chocolate...but I believe it is like eating a burst of rainbow yummy goodness that explodes into your mouth! I mean...have you tried Ritter Sport Extra Fine Milk Chocolate? I is heaven in a square! So I decided to give some random facts about chocolate!!! <3 Enjoy!

Chocolate is actually started from a tree! Yes chocolate technically grows on a tree! It comes from the cacao tree in Africa and Central/South America. The tree grows pods that hold bitter seeds and white sticky fluid that can be made into food and drinks. After the pods are harvested they go through long, complicated process (I won't explain all of them for it would take all night) that results in the beautiful brown substance we call chocolate. 

Chocolate doesn't get it's name from the Cacao tree, it comes from Mexico! When you make chocolate you have to stir it and (apparently) it makes a sound that makes a "choco choco" sound, hint the name chocolate!

Chocolate does not make you have acne. You cannot get physically addicted to chocolate, so all you choco-holics out there have no excuses!!!!
Did you know that the hershey's bar was made by the military?! Yep!! Napoleon used to carry chocolate to energize himself! That led to the Hershey bar!
Chocolate is therapeutic! Chocolate has preservatives that can make you look younger!
Chocolate triggers a hormone in your brain called phenylephylamine aka the happy hormone. This is also the hormone that can make you fall in love <3
Chocolate may actually help you reduce heart disease! 

For more facts try these websites!!!!!! <3 

Today is a day to rejoice and to cry

Well, this is it

My boyfriend has been accepted into the Air Force. The cool thing is that when I was younger I had always dreamt of fighting amongst the clouds. Sailing through the sky in a F-15 strike eagle. How I loved that plane. Then I dreamt of being a Blue Angel...but then I realized most were just old men that have retired from the force. I spoke to my parents when I was 14 about joining the air force and go to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado for college. I even went to visit. Let's just say that dream was soon gone and I was left trying to plan my future career. my baby is leaving.

I don't know when he will leave, but I am trying to spend as much time as I can with him. I am so thrilled and excited for him, but I have this pit that leaves me terrified all the same. I won't leave him, that is just stupid. I truly love him, so I am not going to break up with him just because he is leaving. I already told him I plan on writing him and sending him care packages...but it is just not the same having him here.

Some people may say I am immature, "stupid", or just irrational....but that is just because I am 18. Anyone can say they love someone, but can everyone really show it? I think I can. Love is not a word that is to be thrown around like a bargaining chip. You are not supposed to just say the words "I love you" when you get into a relationship to keep someone around. You are supposed to use the words "I love you" when you truly mean it. People say love cannot be fully understood until you are mature and wise. Well, when is that? I believe love changes with age. There are different types of love as well, but each change as we grow.

Parental love remains the same except our views of our parents go from innocent child love to admiration and caring love. Love for siblings goes along the same route. Love for others is debatable. When you are  five, you might really think you are in love with the boy that sits next to you in class. Maybe you are, but as you grow your love develops as you do. When you get older love changes to focusing on looks, then personality, then marriage, and so on. Some people never grow out of a younger view of love, making them seem immature and childish. These people are usually the ones that don't settle down until late in life or never at all. Girls usually sophisticate in love faster than males. Girls begin to look for traits for a husband, father, and friend around my age and on. Men don't really start looking for that until their 20's and on. That is why I am dating a 21 year old.

I honestly don't expect anyone to really read this....this is kind of just for my own personal venting and unwinding issues. I just found out the news of my boyfriends acceptance and figured I needed something to vent to. If you are reading this then I am sorry...if you enjoy it then by all means read as much as you would like.

Anyway, back to my ranting...oh yes, love. Love will always be debated until some scientist decides he/she has found what causes love or something as stupid as that. Well, whatever you want to view it as, I know I am in love with Donald. Maybe we will get married one day, maybe not. Even if we do break up, he will always have that special spot in my heart. <3